The beard.

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Variants: Oh la barbe. C’est la barbe. Quelle barbe. Une vraie barbe.

English Meaning: This is so boring.

English Equivalents: This is so annoying. What a bore. What a drag. What a pain in the neck. **What a pain in the ass.

French Meaning: C’est ennuyeux.

French Equivalents: C’est rasoir. C’est barbant. C’est tuant. C’est assommant. Ça me rase. **C’est chiant. 

**Vulgar / Vulgaire

Man with graying beard and handlebar moustache
Barbe + Moustache ! — from Pixabay [CC0]

Whenever I hear this expression, I have a vision of Dumbledore or Rip Van Winkle. The idea is we’d resemble them if we had to sit through something so utterly boring that long, snowy beards sprouted from our chins. Which, I have to admit, would be quite a sight on my small, female frame!

What’s even more amusing about this phrase is the gesture associated with it. By folding your hand and brushing the backs of your fingers up and down the side of your face, you can communicate to the world the painful ennui that you’re enduring. And while it may not be as universally understood as a hand covering a cavernous mouth agape in boredom, it might convince a dull conversation partner to get out of your hair. Or your beard.

Two notes of warning, however:

  1. This is a slightly dated phrase used most often by older generations. So if maintaining an inextinguishable youthful aura is of concern to you, then you can keep this gem in storage.
  2. When hurled at someone, la barbe sets course for Ta Gueule Territory and becomes akin to “shut up!” It can also mean the more benign “damn it,” when you’ve say, dropped something. So while it is a handy expression in informal conversation, it is one you want to use with some care.

Finally, it’s interesting to note the adjective that grew out of this expression (sorry, no pun intended): when something is a downright bore, c’est barbant. Oui, mes amis. It’s beardy.

French Context: Oh, mais non ! Il n’a pas encore fini ? Il parle de ses chats depuis hier ! La barbe.

Translation: Oh, no way! He’s not done yet? He’s been talking about his cats since yesterday! This is so boring.

Pas du tout barbant: Learn French with Vincent ( nous démontre comment faire ce geste.

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